Glenn Llopis (pronounced 'yō-pēs) is the Chairman of the Glenn Llopis Group (GLLG), a nationally recognized’ workforce development and business strategy consulting firm. A bestselling author of the books The Innovation Mentality and Earning Serendipity, Glenn has more than 25 years’ experience as an executive and entrepreneur. He is a senior advisor and speaker to Fortune 500 companies and organizations in retail, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and beyond. In 2019, he will be introducing his forthcoming book, Leadership in the Age of Personalization. Glenn is a contributing writer to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur Magazine and Huffington Post. He was recognized as a top 20 influential writer at Forbes and a top 100 leadership speaker and business thinker by Inc. Magazine. His writings, speaking engagements, and consulting assignments focus on operationalizing and leading growth in the age of personalization.
Learn more on www.glennllopis.comGLLG is a nationally recognized workforce development and business strategy consulting firm focused on enabling inclusive leadership to drive business evolution.
As markets began to shift faster and faster, it was evident that the traditional approaches to leadership and business growth simply did not work as effectively as they once did. Based on the need for a new way of doing business both from a human capital and business strategy perspective, GLLG first began consulting with corporations in 2007.
Building high-performance leaders, teams and cultures focusing on inclusion and the power of individuality.